Year 2016
PF 2017
This year was marked tests. Throughout the year we honestly practiced and sometimes we made a small detour to show where we were very successful. We succeeded with Cyra fold versatile test and Met mastered his first two days of tests and gave him a really hard time. I hope that next year we will again move more in an examination field and occasionally like to jump somewhere in the exhibition.

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, a quiet start to the year and much success in your life and even the fourlegss friends.
Bára, Cyro and Met
24. 12. 2016
December news
At the end of the month November (11.26), I decided to take Met the in pheasantery to Baron Parish. It was the last pheasant hunt this year. I was a bit concerned, but the Met was great. His composure when shooting me incredibly surprised. The whole time he went on leave and was sent to a command. Because it was the first time the pheasant and he did a little problem life pheasant. At the beginning, I had it a few times to confirm that "it" I really want to bring. With a greater number are treated Met more and more improved. The best of his work was at a last place which brought me great live-shot pheasant. See photo below this text. On Discards were also some orebic. More photos on Flickr by clicking on the photo of Met
Cyro - 6 let a Met - 2 rokyCyro - 6 let a Met - 2 rokyJiž zmínení bažant...Unavený Cyro po práciSpolečná fotka s přáteli.Eliška a CyroCheek to Cheek Jack The BearCyro Chipp Poklad Orlicka "U"For beautiful photos thanks to Eva Šípová of the kennel Evigold.Today's come results x-rays of our Met (Cheek To Cheek Jack The Bear):
The rest of the month we practiced with the dummy in the woods. Where do we go regularly. We train retrieval, traces and many other things. Weekend before the holidays with us snows and me it was impossible. I had to take pictures of the boys.
Cyro - 6 let a Met - 2 rokyCyro - 6 let a Met - 2 roky19. 12. 2016
November news
At the end of last month (29. 10.) we have to Cyra attended our first hunt pheasant in Konopiště. It was a great experience for both. Cyro first two methods for treating a little worked like crazy, but then drove to the local customs and worked in peace and with absolute precision. At the end of the discards were 1,398 units, of which hens and cocks wild pheasant, pheasant and some royal Orebic.
The next day (30. 10.) I went to Prague again, but this time with our Met at Prague Expo Dog. He joined the working class already fierce competition for adult, experienced dogs. Judge De Cuyper Joys assessed very carefully and correctly. Let us get on, elapse wheel. Then everyone took individually and wrote the report. He Met like very much and so his class in competition of 4 dogs won! :-)
Cheek to Cheek Jack The Bear - V1 CAC, RCACIB (work class)
At the end was followed by a running CACIB, which unfortunately we lost but belonged to us for second place (RCACIB).
A fortnight (11. 11.) We went back to Cyro at Konopiště, where we already knew how it would work. I dared to have Cyra 90% of the time on leave at his feet. It is very quiet and goes on command only when I say. Works systematically and great. The morning we came out beautiful weather, but after lunch was a bit overcast and was thus excludes the beautiful 726 pieces. I managed to take a picture of something. Slightly below the text and the rest here on Flickr.
And immediately the next day (12. 11.) We Cyro went with a smaller association to hunt in Josefov. It was the cocks pheasant, duck and vermin. Cyro worked great. The greatest joy, however, I did a piece that vyhlead alive. The hunter shot a pheasant Cyro tracked down and brought beautifully. Several rookies brought me in a net and ducks. He participated in the expulsion of foxes deadwood. I should have made him happy, and especially when he praised hunters :-) Below the text and a few photos HERE also rest on Flickr.
Již zmínení bažant...Unavený Cyro po práciSpolečná fotka s přáteli.12. 11. 2016
October's news
At the beginning of the month I confided the boys to care for a haircut, our friend Eva (EVIGOLD.CZ). Shearing was fast and we were able to go from already arranged a photo shoot. We first set out to make pictures of the park in Pardubice, where he took pictures of each other's position, portraits was attempted and common photos. Subsequent continuation of the forest where it had enjoyed Boys. We tried different combinations: the crawling behind a tree together in the finale there was also fetch a pheasant :-) Below the show portraits of our guys adding common photos of Elizabeth Cyr. I would like to thank Eva Šípová and Lukáš Beránek for amazing photos.
Eliška a CyroThe third weekend of the month, I went on a long weekend at Lestina training, which was organized by Eva Píchová (Training Retrievers Praha). The boys were placed in groups to Petra Hrabětová and power they could. On Saturday we spent the day at the game and nobody could think of no crap. Morning was held marking where Met bit forgotten, but subsequent supervision in a square in the woods was great. Cyro expertly passed the square and goes brought both pieces. Met followed that place prolítal least five times and subsequently brought pheasants, but it did not bother my temperament more and with more experience he will go for sure. Siding with rabbit guys did absolutely exemplary. No hesitation was not in place. Last fetch in the tall grass, and we could go to camp. I indulged in a little rest and went back into the forest. This time the pond. The first duck from deep water was specific in a very high and steep bank. I was afraid that the Met dropped it down a duck. Beyond my expectations both her brought beautifully to the top. Subsequent marking with a dummy and two ducks in deep water. Cyro had it harder, he could not see where it had fallen, but they did not hesitate, and both brought. Met are a bit easier for a single second and saw he was on the mirror. Even he had a problem and we finished a lovely Saturday. I had them very happy. They worked wonderfully. On Sunday morning was a dog contest Kolodější guys and not only they, where he competed in four disciplines after teams. Competition We came with little hesitation.
Below I attach to sample photos of our boys.
Cheek to Cheek Jack The BearCyro Chipp Poklad Orlicka "U"VII. East Bohemina derby, 30. - 31. 7. 2016 Choustníkovo Hradiště
On Saturday 30. 7. we went with Met the direction Choustníkovo Hradiště. Met a lot of famous derby and enrolled 23 dogs and Goldens prevailed. It started to draw a veterinary inspection. I pulled out my number 2, which ranked us on Saturday at the Autumn Tests and the first group. I arrived at the place where it was everything. It was nice that we do not hit anywhere. We started trace and retrieve game birds, where Met in great time limit brought pheasant and got 4. Searching for, retrieving and guiding - Free was in a similar vein. Then came a pause, waiting for the rest of the disciplines. Arbitration ordered and we went to deep water. Met beautifully shot while sitting and ran up to my command. Unfortunately she stopped him get in the water, which was down the stairs and then probably nothing ... He did not know where and I had to give a command. Thus, we got 'em first mood was gone and we waited for the last siding. Fortunately, he showed them a sample work and reputation have improved by referees. Met this autumn has completed his second test with 220 points, unfortunately, due to the limit mark in the third price.
Cheek to Cheek Jack the Bear - Autumn trial 220b., III. price (the limit mark of ducks from deep water)
On Sunday we waited for our first tests of the water trial. Began to discipline the behavior at the post. Meta I left off at and above my expectations a full 10 minutes and always beautifully lay zpozornil when she arrived late. So we got a beautiful stamp fourth followed by guidance on 2 ducks in deep water. Rozhdčím I was told to go to a duck that fell like a second shot. Met again went on command and stopped. Today I left him a little longer. He began to run around the bank, then it to me and even announced. That, however, I issued an order and then delivered to the surface and brought the duck without a problem. Followed by a second, where I was a bit tensed when předsednul next to me and I had to make a half-step and take a piece. The work was finally awarded level 3. Other disciplines such as retrieving and guiding mark we came in third on the second day Metovi tiredness, and we are still waiting for the last two disciplines. Short pause for a snack, and off we went. It started raining, but work dohledávky duck tossed it in the reeds Metovi not detract showed a beautiful job with the mark of the fourth And the best for last. Search reeds proved popular Metova diciplína. It was as if alive and reed prolítal beautifully and I must say it was very thick (the day before on him two dogs get 0). Referee praised his work, and we got an amazing 4. This Met dokočil their first trials of water working retrievers I. price.
Cheek to Cheek Jack the Bear - Watter trial 143b., I. price
I got him very happy that in less than two years mastered for the first time two days test.
All beautifuls photos from derby you can find HERE on Flickr.
31. 7. 2016
President Cup of Retriever Club, Club versatile Fetching Trial, Kostelní Střímelice 9. - 10. 7. 2016
Approached the start of the holidays with me and eased somewhat in school. So we have to Cyro began preparing for our first higher exams that I have signed up in advance. We repeated traced and after half a year we have been through three color and off we went. I believed that Cyro is a trouper and everything it has in itself.
We started work on the field. The first was a series of searches. I took it more as a walk, hoping Cyro not rise. From judges we heard that it would rather expect a faster job. So we got 'em third followed fetch in the field, where I got 4. Further guidance on discipline followed by 2 pieces featherd. When at first I did not go exactly Cyro and therefore I had to send a second time and got grade 2 and grade 4 for the second, where he showed a grat work. The last discipline on the field was a siding, where he showed a beautiful job. Followed by lunch and a brief pause.
Work started on the water the last discipline of the field. Where was trace feathered and furred game where Cyro received a beautiful stamp fourth followed trace in the reeds where
Cyro needed to verify a piece of reed and then trotted back to me and duck. The last event that day was the guidance of two ducks in deep water, where Cyro received a grade 4. Thus we successfully passed the entire day.
Sunday was the only work in the forest and I was a bit nervous. Our group first went on a "small forest" where we started siding. I had to put Cyro for a second time, because right at the beginning I do not know why it turned sharply to the left. Then came the piece beautifully and we received grade 3. The second part was traced and bringing ground game. There is a time limit of 10 minutes, which Cyro utilized as they could. I sent him into the woods, and then he had to work alone. It was not there to see, and I just waited. The first piece brought quite quickly, but others took his time and carried it in a time of 9 minutes and 49 seconds. We continued to drive their postponement and we did a great job. Followed by the last part to the "big woods". Working from paint and color itself. We went to follow, which Cyro did a great job. Well color. That I feared the most. Cyro has been throughout the weekend very tired, so sometimes the way of rest. Finally, we successfully managed to complete a piece with a great mark of the fourth
This Cyro completed his first Club versatile Fetching Trial in II. price with 460 points and became a universally usable dog.
Cyro Chipp Poklad Orlicka - II. price, 460b. - U
11. 7. 2016
Breeding license
Our Met to date (12. 6. 2016) became a stud dog :-) It makes me very happy.
More information on his page HERE.
Cheek to Cheek Jack The Bear - stud dog (KCHLS)
11. 7. 2016
Club show Czech Retriever club in Konopiště, 4. 6. 2016
At the last moment I entered Retriever Club Special show in Konopiště. On Saturday we went only with Met direction Prague. Judged by the foreign Hilary Lambshead from Britain. Met was logged into the intermediate class, which got a total of four dogs. The judge was very thorough and wrote a nice review. Met some exercise beautiful result V1, CAC.
Cheek To Cheek Jack The Bear - EXCELLENT 1, CAC(intermediate class)
We show day, despite higher temperatures enjoyed and we were glad that I met with friends. Thanks for the photo Magdalena Nemcova.
11. 7. 2016
Club show KCHLS, Humpolec 7-8. 5. 2016
On Saturday we went to an exhibition in Humpolce. We drove the full report. The first day, judged by Mr. Rafael Malo Alcrudo (Spain). Met went to the first series. Was signed in the middle class into the ring enrolled a total of 8 dogs. We got a nice critique and waited for the end verdict. Let us move forward and pass by one round. We won. We won the first CAC in the Czech Republic.Cheek To Cheek Jack The Bear - , CAC (mezitřída)
Cheek To Cheek Jack The Bear - EXCELLENT 1, CAC (intermediate class)
Shortly after that, I ran into the ring with Cyro. We had it logged the working class. Here in the tough competition of 11 dogs it took me four incredible beautiful place :-) I see it as Cyro huge success.
Cyro Chipp Poklad Orlicka - EXCELLENT 4 (work class)
In the evening we went to sleep to her grandmother and grandfather at the cottage. The boys ate a bowl of granules. They romped moment and then fell asleep.
On Sunday we only signed Met. The judge was also from Spain, Mr. Jose M.Doval. The second day was in the middle class, only six dogs, but it was a huge success Met. The judge wrote a great report and gave our Metovi first place :-)
Cheek To Cheek Jack The Bear - EXCELLENT 1, CAC(intermediate class)
It had a wonderful and incredible weekend full of successes.
More photos on Flickr here and here.
Very thanks to Eva Šípová for common photos.
Club show Slovakia retriever club in Kamenný Mlýn, 23. 4. 2016
On Friday we had been the day before, we went to the show. We have a great evening with friends near the border. On Saturday we went longer because it was starting about 10. In a series we arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon. With Met I played with tennis ball and we went for it. We got in a circle three. First let we stood behind him and then Mrs. Emma Archibald - IR (kennel Abinvale) each called. Let us run into a triangle, back and forth, and finally wrote us a great testimonial before the desk. It is written that beautifully graceful moves :-) After the last dog I Meta stood for a moment to the solid and then the free position. We ran around one wheel and waited for the verdict. I was a bit nervous and we are oblivious to the surroundings. Suddenly he broke our way. We had first CAC from Slovakia.
Cheek To Cheek Jack The Bear - EXCELLENT 1, CAC(intermediate class - 3 psi)
I was overjoyed. At the end of the assessment dogs, we went for the best specimens of the breed. Met ran great, but it still lacks a bit of power. The exhibition we are with friends and dog friends great time. Photos are on Flickr here.
26. 4. 2016
Weekend in Rokytno under the leadership Martin Luňák
On Sunday we got a wonderful weekend hosted by Martin Luňák (Nice Friend) in Rokytno. We were staying in a wonderful guesthouse at Penzion u Martina, where about us as is customary care for one with an asterisk. Thursday evening we arrived and just went to obedience. The guys from so many dogs were a bit vykolojení, but after a moment and wiped them were great. Friday we started with Mete at ten in the morning. We practiced snoop, dohledávku and marking. From eleven he went to a number of Cyro, who was in the group of the largest roosters. We have learned what we can all use tennis balls, and we made a few too snooping and dohledávku. After lunch we went to the two groups together on a meadow with a small forest. We trained siding that boys performed wonderfully. Followed by training dohledávky, snoop. We have always had the meadow and several pieces of what you guys were confident that they bring always something. After dinner we went back to obedience, when he walked two. Elizabeth took care of an experienced Cyrus. On Saturday it was quite similar to a odpolko when mlaďoši trained again siding sweats tried Launcher. I must say that Cyro it was absolutely thrilled and wore it without hesitation and with enthusiasm. I feel like they bought it home :-) On Sunday, before the departure we had a group of ten again went on the field and the eleven went into the forest to Cyro dohledávky game. We had an imaginary square in the stand and sent to dohledávku.
Of the two I am very happy, and even more so to me it namotivovalo, we have prepared properly for the summer. Cyra'll sign on the Cup of the President KVZPR (CACT), Church Střimelice and Meta at the earliest KZVP.
More photos from beautiful weekend on Flickr here and here.
23. 3. 2016
Results X-rays of our Met
Today's come results x-rays of our Met (Cheek To Cheek Jack The Bear):Our Met is healthy :-). We`re waiting for results from England - BVA. :-)
OCD - negative
HD - A/A - 0(negativní)
ED - 0/0
17. 3. 2016
Presents new logo
Our new logo in the world. :-)
Michael Tlapáková is the author.
Thanks so much
February news
Toward the end of February, I decided to finally start an idea for a new name for our site and hope that over time the name of the kennel. It was born one night when shooting at a friend Evi. Name:
Full name is actually Betula Pendula in the Latin language is to Birch. I stayed only one part, which I hope will do well to remember, and everyone will think of two golden retrievers from Choceň. Old URLs www.zlatastudanka.webnode.cz still functions after entering you will always redirects here. Therefore nothing to alter that. In the last round it is also a proposal for the logo, so everything is going to the final :-) Logo will be introduced as soon as possible.
DUOCACIB Brno 6. 2. 2016
On Saturday we went the direction of Brno only with Met. The premiere waited for us in the middle class. Entered eight competitors and Mrs. Ingrid Grill from Austria. Exhibit began at half past ten, and so we came to the series after an hour. Conducted classic racing accession to the wheel and assessment. The judge us very smiling. Judgement wrote pretty well. Followed by racing past, and the position was decided. We have obtained a beautiful third place out of eight dogs. Kuba managed to catch a few moments of the exhibition, which can be found on Flickr. (All open after clicking on the bottom photo)
Cheek to Cheek Jack The Bear - excellent 3 (intermediate - 9 dogs)
8. 6. 2016
For days just only frosts and never snow. Today it broke and the morning is overcast and the snow falls. I brought my camera and in the afternoon we went to the field. We stopped at a place where the most snow. For boys, it was a new environment and in conjunction with snow a great atmosphere. (After clicking on the bottom get a photos on Flickr)
23. 1. 2016
January news
JIt's a new year and with it some changes. Now you can find on our site switch languages (at the bottom of the page). I will try to insert articles in English. I wonder if it will be successful.
With Met we logged on DUO CACIB Brno on 6. 2. 2015. Only on Saturday, when qualifying for Crufts. :-) So I wonder what the final number of entries.
Yesterday we went to the field with my camera and I took a few pictures. (After clicking on the picture opens Flickr)
3. 1. 2015
PF 2016
This year was very successful, wonderful and ran like water. Met us far from the little puppy grew into a big boy and Cyro became a real veteran. We finished everything we wanted and we hope that next year we manage tests and exhibitions twice. Perhaps, we will be able to go in the fall to versatility and take home univesal dogs ("U"). :-)
We wish Merry Christmas, happy and successful new year 2016
Bára, Cyro a Met

21. 12. 2015