DUO CACIB Brno 3. 2. 2019
After a long show, we went with Met to visit Brno. I have just logged Met only for Sunday, and to the working class. Judge Judge Jaussi Yvonne (CH), a longtime breeder of flets. From my point of view I can say that our working class was the most occupied with the quality of the dogs. I think the choice in this class was not easy for the judge. All the dogs were beautiful. We ran into the circle as the third in a row, our competitors were Harry Potter Aurea Rosa, Homer z Liblických rákosin, Kristian od Hradu Veveří, Ricci Dream Max. The judged judging carefully and correctly. Met wrote the following opinion:
- vysoký elegantní pes, typická samčí hlava, tmavé oko, pěkný výraz, dlouhý krk, výborné rameno, hluboký hrudník, dobrá horní linie, trošku delší bedra, výborně nasazený a nesený ocas, výborné zadní úhlení, výborná kostra, pěkný pohyb, velmi pěkná prezentace
There was a run in the wheel and the last position. Our class was won by Harry Potter Aurea Rosa, whom we very congratulate. I and Met a beautiful second place.
Cheek to Cheek Jack the Bear - Excellent 2, RCAC
After a moment of exhalement from the exhibition, writing the results on the birth certificate, we went to buy some scissors with Metem and take a photo of the hobby photographer Kateřina Skopalová. A few interesting pictures from the short photo shoot, for which we thank. :-)