Strmilov 2019
This year's Strmilov we started with a traditional Saturday visit to my grandmother and grandpa in Chotěboř. The following evening arrival, accommodation in a larger cottage together with friend Zuzka and her bitches Lexy and Nika. At eight o'clock we all started on the first board, where we learned that, like last year, we are training under the amazing trainer David Keppert. And we had a great group. We belonged to the more advanced, where we worked with Zuzka with Nika and Petr with Deborka. On Sunday we started at a place called "in the colors", where we went to the pond. But we found there that it had dried up during the holidays and there was only a small running spring. David invented a retriever over a dry pond. It would seem like a simple discipline, but Met had a completely different opinion. He did not listen at all, did not want to cross the spring, and at the end, when he realized it was dummy, he would have preferred to deny him. In the end, however, he retrieved. Cyro developed the discipline greatly and we could switch to water. Well it was not much fame there. I found out that Met dummy totally ignored and wasn't going to wear it. Cyro doesn't mind that much, so he developed the discipline beautifully. A search followed in a square in the forest, where the animals were already. Suddenly the boys came to life and worked famously. Last but one amazing new discipline for me, blind shot.
I didn't expect the guys to do it because we don't train for such distances. What Met showed me was totally out of breath. It was a top job. Cyro also worked it out with a few more commands. On the way to the cars we made a little different search and for Sunday it was all. We left out Monday and on Tuesday we headed to the pond in front of Kunžak. We started with two ducks on the deep water. They continued their search in the reeds, a situation similar to that of a duck hunt, heading and finally marking in the tall grass. The boys did a nice job and Met got praise for the best marking of the group.
On Wednesday we set out for the colors up. We started with siding. Cyro, like an old pet, did a beautiful job that we accidentally made it harder for him. We pulled the second siding over another and it took him a little longer, but he found the hare and brought it. This was followed by a search in the square, which was finally developed by Met. Cyro fell asleep while waiting for the discipline. So I let him rest and we just walked together. On Thursday, Cyro got a day off, which he slept in the cottage in the afternoon.
Met and I went to the Pohár Komorník, which we have never managed to reach, or because of the heat did not come. This year, however, was a breakthrough. We managed calm left rear and set out to the first station to Jiřinka. Met showed that he has not forgotten anything since the end of the hunting season and has made a nice marking. Followed by the guidance of two ducks on the deep water of the old (ducks already on our arrival on the surface lies). We had a long discipline because the dog did not bring the ducks in front of us. Met believed me and brought the ducks. I was happy about it because we never trained that way. The penultimate discipline was a square with two claws. As usual, Met first checked the locations and then decided to bring the left joint. Along the way, he probably thought no one could see him, so he dropped the crack and began to roll on it. I glared at him and brought it immediately, and from his expression it was obvious he didn't understand how I had seen him: D. The second piece brought without a problem. The last discipline of the blind followed with a shot. I had to guide Meta a bit, but in the end I found a piece in good time. Overall, we took a beautiful 21st place with 18 points out of 20. I am proud of him that he managed so beautifully this year. On Friday we had joined groups and went to the lookout tower. We started with the dummy launcher, leaving the boys off at their feet and releasing them on command. The calm stood well and the dummies also brought. We continued with the familiar pin discipline, which the boys managed with an overview. Then we put the blind over the tie. For the second time, we increased the distances and sent them there again. The boys were skilful and brought each of their choice retrieving. Met after twice took the heaviest hairy dummy that was there. He also had something to do with him to kidnap him. The last discipline of the whole camp was marking. Nobody set out sooner or later. They were careful and brought a good retrieve. I have to say that Met has improved a lot since last year. Once we were working with the game they were both famous. I am very happy about them. They became both experienced dogs.
I would like to thank our trainer David Keppert for his excellent work throughout the training. Eva Píchová for organizing the whole camp and also Zuzana Tíkalová, who stayed with us at the cottage and on Sunday took care of me. I'm looking forward to next year. I enclose some photos from the camp and also professional photos from the packages by Míra Antoš.