Cyro goes to the dog bath
Thanks to an article in the newspaper, I decided that Cyril and I would try out the Canine Centrum dog spa in Hradec Králové. We were very lucky to get to the excellent veterinarian Zubalová. Cyril and I cut the first lesson before Christmas and in January we ordered 4 exercises a week. Each exercise begins with hydrotherapy, where he walks in a pool soaked to the back, where there is a belt at the bottom and the doctor regulates the walking speed. Cyro usually walks for about 20 minutes, and the longer we go to exercise (now once a month), the better his physique and the more he will do. The "water walk" is followed by a massage, during which Cyro sometimes seems to fall asleep. The effects of rehabilitation on him are very well known, which I am very happy about. He occasionally runs around on a walk and is generally more mobile. Further lessons await us from October, now we will go swimming and rehabilitate in the ponds.